There and back again. -A Qualls' Tale
I'm not a tall guy, but I'm taller than a Hobbit. Most of them anyway. But much like our dear friend Bilbo Baggins, I have been called upon to take a journey. No magic ring, no fireworks wielding wizard, and no dwarfs. We are a company of six (a couple of which are Hobbit-sized.)
Maybe we will fight a dragon in some Revelation like spiritual warfare way. But we will not be seeking a mountain of gold. Or even a "pot o' gold."
God has set us on a quest to lead people to Him in the far-off, mystical land of Éireann. A beautiful island with an ancient history will bear our fellowship.
Éireann is the Gaelic name for Ireland. Our calling to serve in Ireland may seem strange considering the long history of Christianity in Ireland and the stories of St. Patrick and St. Brendan, but Christianity in Ireland isn’t what it once was. Much like the rest of Europe, it is becoming predominantly secular. The influence of the church in Ireland has been declining for decades. Now, changes in government, the widespread acceptance of agnosticism, and a thriving immigrant population are shaping a new Ireland. We are compelled to make disciples in this new Ireland.
You can be a part of this. Join our fellowship. Maybe we can share second breakfast sometime.