I hate it when Thanksgiving sneaks up on me.
My favorite pie changes from year to year. I think this year it's pecan. I hope to test out a recipe soon. It is hard to believe it is that time of the year already. For years I was at my store early on Black Friday, but this year I have other plans. It involves leftover pecan pie and sleep. I also intend to continue my focus on thankfulness. My oldest daughter painted this tree and we are all writing what we are thankful for on leaves then adding them to the tree. It has been a great way show thankfulness and to get focused on Christ.
We are thankful for God's kind provision. Over the past two years, we God has been teaching us to trust Him more. It has been tough at times, but His promises are true and He is trustworthy.
So one thing we have to do (as many of you have already encountered) is ask people to partner with us in this ministry. This has been tough. Really tough. But it is part of our calling, and we are thankful for what we have experienced along the way.
I am so thankful for the people who have said, "yes." I am also thankful for those who have said, "no." There are quite a few who have not answered, and I am thankful for them too. God has brought so many people into my life through this journey and it has made me contact people from waaaaaay back that I might not have otherwise engaged. I realize how they have impacted my life over the years and I am thankful for their influence. What an amazing gift to be able to walk back through my life and re-engage people from over the years.
I will post more about being thankful in the coming days. Something to think about... God even wants us to be thankful for the trials. What might that mean?